
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Review: The Order of Odd-Fish by James Kennedy

Author: James Kennedy

Release Date: August 8th, 2008
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 416
Source: Borrowed from Library, then purchased at TBF 2012

Summary ( JO LAROUCHE has lived her 13 years in the California desert with her Aunt Lily, ever since she was dropped on Lily’s doorstep with this note: This is Jo. Please take care of her. But beware. This is a dangerous baby. At Lily’s annual Christmas costume party, a variety of strange events take place that lead Jo and Lily out of California forever—and into the mysterious, strange, fantastical world of Eldritch City. There, Jo learns the scandalous truth about who she is, and she and Lily join the Order of Odd-Fish, a collection of knights who research useless information. Glamorous cockroach butlers, pointless quests, obsolete weapons, and bizarre festivals fill their days, but two villains are controlling their fate. Jo is inching closer and closer to the day when her destiny is fulfilled, and no one in Eldritch City will ever be the same.

My Review:
Just the summary alone pulled me into The Order of Odd-Fish. The cockroach butlers are my favorite. They are so- I don't even know. Their speeches and dramatics lead by Sefino are just so funny and perfect that if this book sucked they would save it. But it doesn't suck! In fact it's brilliant. It's the most original thing I have ever read. It's so outlandish and backwards that somehow everything makes complete sense and you're left wondering why the whole world isn't run by the Order of Odd Fish. All the characters, plotlines and dialogue are fantastic! The Order of Odd-Fish is a thoroughly thought out and written so well that readers of all ages will appreciate its genius! I could gush about this book for pages and pages but I think you should just take my word for it and read it!
(I had the great fortune to meet James Kennedy at TBF 2012 and I even made a "Proud Knight of Odd-Fish" t-shirt for the occasion. He is one of the nicest people on the planet and I think slightly insane, but all the best people are in my opinion.)

~Read More,
Talk Less,

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